
The PX8000 Precision Power Scope was released as high frequency and transient power measurement of electric energy saving equipment. In order to support that measurement and evaluation, we released dedicated software 760881 PowerViewrPlus. This software enables measured waveform and numeric data transfer to a personal computer (PC) and realizes smooth calculation and analysis.

Main functions

  • Remote control of PX8000 (1 set)
  • Monitoring screen of PX8000
  • Main waveform display, zoom waveform display, history memory display, X-Y waveform display, and measurement result display.
  • Waveform parameter automatic measurement / computational measurement
  • Conversion of multiple files (WPF→CSV)
  • Saving data
  • User defined computation
    Max. 32 expressions for waveforms MATH1 to MATH32, 100M points/CH Arithmetic expressions can be created using the following combinations of waveform operations and constants. +, −, *, /, SHIFT, ABS, SQRT, LOG, EXP, NEG, SIN, COS, TAN, ATAN, PH, DIF, DDIF, INTG, IINTG, BIN, SQR, CUBE, F1, F2, FV, PWHH, PWHL, PWLH, PWLL, PWXX, DUTYH, DUTYL, FILT1, FILT2, HLBT, MEAN, LS-, PS-, PSD-, CS-, TF-, CH-, MAG, LOGMAG, PHASE, REAL, IMAG,TREND, TRENDM, TRENDD, TRENDF, _HH, _LL, _XX and ZC

Remote control of PX8000 (1 set)

You can operate your PX8000 through you PC on setting screen of the PowerViewerPlus. UWA


Monitoring of PX8000 screen

The PowerViewerPlus motors of a screen of your PX8000. The update cycle can be set.


Screen Details

Main waveform display, zoom waveform display, history memory display, X-Y waveform display, and measurement result display. asthis.net


Saving data

You can save measurement data both waveform and numeric and the setting information into your PC at same time.


User defined computation (MATH)

On PX8000, there is maximum data point restriction up to 4M points in MATH function. However, the PowerViewerPlus does not have such limit and customers can analyze all data without stress. The MATH function is available up to 32 expressions. UWA

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